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Old 07-18-2020, 03:50 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
I can’t recall a single position I have stated where you were in agreement, I must have had a senior moment for a day or two, otherwise I’d have cracked a bottle to celebrate a miracle.
How could you recall something I didn't say. As I said above, when I agreed with something someone said, I didn't feel the need to say that I agreed, that it would add nothing. So, the vast majority of times, I made no replies to comments I agreed with. I don't recall offhand the times I agreed with something you said. But I know there have been several. It's really no big deal. I'm not who or what you think I am. But that's OK, and not important.

What I care about, as I've said many times, is not Trump or Biden or particular personalities with personal faults. Rather its what wdmso often refers to as the big picture. I care about the nature of the system by which we are governed. I still see the constitutional system we inherited as not only the best, but the danger to our liberties if we traded it for a Progressive government.

And that's the only real political conversation, I think, that is worth having. But we remain, how did you put it re your perception of me, "locked in" to making the issue about Trump. I could care less about Trump except only that if he loses and Congress is controlled by Progressives, then bye-bye constitutional order, hello brave new completely regulatory state.
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