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Old 07-18-2020, 02:40 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
I find it amusing people attempt to debate politics with the blue man, he is locked in and can’t view any other position as correct. He probably searched long and wide for an obscure political message board where he could pontificate with impunity, otherwise how does a Midwest non fisherman end up of a New England striped bass website with so few members and activity.
Being amused is a plus in life. I feel a small reward for adding some amusement in yours. However little, I like to help, if possible.

I view many positions, even some of yours, as correct. So I don't think my commenting on those positions adds anything.

I explicitly recounted how I ended up on this website. I wasn't searching long and wide for a political message board, didn't even know they existed. I suspect that there are many more people than you think who have found there way here while searching for something else. I have seen that there have been times when well over 300 viewers were tuning in to the political forum. But, since you claim you don't read my posts, I can see how you missed the little story of how I got here. And I certainly wasn't looking for a place to, as you put it, pontificate.

To me, having intelligent conversations is not pontificating. To each his own. I apologize for any minor conflict I may have caused for you--on the one hand amusing you, on the other irritating you (viewing something as pontificating is considering it "annoyingly pompous"). On the other hand . . . I really don't care.
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