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Old 06-22-2020, 06:41 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Trump recently stated he has done more for African Americans than anyone since Abraham Lincoln, he uses race to win elections, caring zip for anyone it’s all about him retaining the show and the power. In 2016 it was the dreaded immigrants streaming unchecked into our country, now he knows race issues may take him down in 2020, so it’s all spin now.

Abe Lincoln walked the first step, emancipation.
Abe didn't have the time, and probably not the inclination, to take the next necessary steps. A black analyst, Democrat, shows how Trump took further steps:

And spin is the polish all politicians, media, and commentators use to embellish their "message." Your pointing to Trump using spin is, like, yeah . . . duh! Hey, you and I are devotees of the method too.

No need for you to be a hypocrite.

Tell me what 15 minutes of discussion about his ramp walk did to help you understand his 2020 platform? I was born, but not yesterday, I see this poser for who he is, I will vote him out and I hope the country agrees. This guy in four years will ruin this country, the environment, our relationships with our allies and embolden our enemies.
Generally, Presidents don't have a political platform, the political party creates and publishes the platform. Rallies, generally, are meant to energize the voters. Humor, such as the ramp schtick, help to generate enthusiasm.
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