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Old 06-22-2020, 10:32 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Protests and campaigns are in no way equivalent, just look at funding to start.
BLM budget maybe 6 million
Relect Tweety budget 996 million

They are equivalent in Spence's terms of organicity.

And denying that Coronavirus is a problem is central to Tweety's campaign.

Trump doesn't categorically deny that Coronavirus is a problem. It is a matter of degree not of fact.

It's necessary for both his economic plan to just open things up and to conduct rallies in the very places most affected by Corona.
If some of the core does not accept his virus-denialism, that is BIG trouble. It means they doubt his reopening plans. It means they doubt his promise of a fast economic bounce back.

They doubt all his claims to have done a "great job" in the greatest crisis of his presidency.

Well, you and most of the mainline media have done your best to cast that doubt. If the polls are accurate, y'all may have succeeded.

Biden is an acceptable alternative wherein older, more conservative voters have both a place to go - and a reason to move.
Alternative between what? Constitutionalism and Progressivism? If you're a Progressive, Biden is your alternative. If you're a Constitutionalist, voting Democrat would be stupid.
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