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Old 06-12-2020, 12:55 PM   #81
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If the Seattle "block club" is pushing for a community to be fully responsible for policing itself, for its citizens having the unabridged right and duty to arm themselves, to protect their neighborhoods and personal homes and families, to decide how and what their children are taught without interference or "help" from the federal government, to decide what "services" they require in common from their community and pay for it themselves, to have the freedom to buy and sell whatever their community desires, to be free from onerous taxation by the federal government, and free from that government's regulations on what and how they can do to run their own lives, and to remain in the union of sovereign states under the supreme law of the Constitution under its original meaning in order to protect their desired autonomy--for starters--I might like what they're doing, depending on the rest of their story.

But if it's more of the same old kind of nonsense, special rights for special people, set asides, entitlements, perpetual welfare, dependence on government, and the government enforced modeling of humanity--hell no.
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