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Old 06-12-2020, 11:39 AM   #77
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Jim doesn't realize that the issue is much deeper than just cops using excessive force on black people.
I'm the only one talking about things other than cops using excessive force. Takes some serious liberal logic to conclude that the only person mentioning the deeper issues, is the one with no grasp of those issues. I suppose the ones who deny the bigger issues, are the ones with the best grasp of those deeper issues?

I have an idea. Let's take a huge group of people. Let's annihilate the notion of the nuclear family, do everything we can to promote fatherlessness within that community. Let's make many of them addicted to welfare, rob them of the natural human instinct to get ahead. Let's tell them religion is useless. Let's refuse to let them choose to send their kids to better schools (interesting, since liberals like to pat themselves on the back as being pro choice). And when that all inevitably results in huge ghettos full of those people, let's tell the world that white cops are to blame for it all.

That's what democrats have done for blacks. Make that wrong.

Oh, and let's put an abortion clinic on every corner, so that their numbers don't get too crazy.

That's what your side has done. The late, great, liberal Daniel Partick Moynihan saw it coming in the late 60s or early 70s. He was dead on.
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