Thread: The BS Pipeline
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Old 06-06-2020, 09:54 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
tough day for the leftist insurrection yesterday....every time they get rolling down hill to destroy America they hit a big speed bump and America pushes pack....great job numbers....stock market liked of America suffering democrat dictatorship continue to destroy themselves...can't wait till they demand bailouts guess the left is gonna have to work even harder to destroy the economy and turn supporters against the president

In a development that is sure to baffle the mainstream media and liberal elites, President Donald Trump appears to have gained an unprecedented approval rating among black voters of 41% including 25% who “strongly support” Trump.

Powerful video. Not even very long. Wrong narrative though. It's not about rubber bullets and tear gas. And not about Trump "failing on all sides." And not pointing out that it's Trump that is dividing us all.

Didn't we have all this kind of nonsense that's going on now repeated several times before Trump came along? Somehow he's the reason for it?

Nah, they won't like the video, won't watch it, say it's no big deal. Just one black man . . . the usual head in the sand denial that puts a dent in their get-Trump-at-all-costs mentality. Integrity, which they claim as their core, and which they claim Trump has none, only counts if it helps you to win, even if you're victory is based on lies.
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