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Old 05-26-2020, 09:55 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Actually it works just fine, leaders lead by example and his example, inaction, constant downplay, questioning the medical experts, to the refusal to wear a mask has cost more lives than have been taken by terrorists is this country. He loves big numbers, that’s not one he or you should be proud of. Carry on, back to fishing and golf.
No, the captain of a ship does not work "just fine" as a metaphor for President of the United States. See my above explanation for "example." And your cliche bromide "leaders lead by example" doesn't either. Different leaders lead in different ways. Even a given leader often uses different ways to lead. Captains of ships lead firstly by command. They may or may not have personal qualities that set examples that are worth following.

And the rest of your post here is just biased, slanted, opinion--an "example" of a sort of pontification. Carry on.
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