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Old 04-23-2020, 10:23 AM   #72
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
as horribly as Cuomo, DiBlasio and Pelosi have treated Trump he's always been there for them when they needed him....heard the Governor of California thanking and praising Trump recently as well...

it's too bad some people insist on constantly being divisive and the media acts only as instigators and bomb throwers....pretty messed up really
Never been anything like it.

Make no mistake, Trump brings a lot of the negative comments upon himself with his tweets and passing the buck. But that being said, the liberals and the media have completely blown a gasket. They hate his guts and are fanatically dedicated to destroying him, even if it means pretending some of his policies haven't done a ton of good. They ignore everything positive, and never stop shrieking about the negative.
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