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Old 04-22-2020, 05:15 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Well I'm glad you now recognized they are not president since you seemed to not understand that and posted something so ignorant. See I can insult you too. There have been many instances where people have posted times when Trump has been informed about the pandemic. You can continue to ignore them.
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What specific and DEFINITIVE briefings did the President get? Vague reports such as China may not be telling the truth, for instance are not definitively actionable. Reports that the virus might be passed human to human would not be conclusive enough to immediately shut down the country. Nor would they solve the problem of our FDA and CDC not being prepared as they were supposed to be for a pandemic. Nor the problem of the States and cities as well being understocked and unprepared. There was supposed to be a "plan" in place to immediately respond to a pandemic. No one was following the plan. (And yeah, that would include DeBlasio who was not following the "plan" as required, and Pelosi the Speaker of the House which is responsible for oversight of regulatory agencies. And yeah, both are consummate political liars. And yeah, neither is the sharpest tack in the drawer.)

It certainly did not help to have the WHO claim their was no indication that the virus was transferrable human to human, therefor not easily contagious. And recommending not to take drastic measures because that would instill unnecessary fear and panic. Nor was it helpful that this attitude was accepted by our politicians, medical community, and media. Trump, in that atmosphere, would have been blistered as an authoritarian demagogue if he would have shut the country down at that time. Nor would it have been likely that he could have convinced the Congress to spend trillions to fight what was not believed to be that serious.

Plus, at the time of any intelligence briefings, the virus would have already arrived and infected enough thousands that the spread would be rapid and already huge.

With what was actually known, and what was nearly universally believed, there was nothing realistically that could be done in time to stop what happened.

And there is one, true, demonic, culprit. The CCP. That should be enough for the rest of the world to begin weening off of China's cheap technological labor, and economic "help" enough to help bring about its demise. You and Pete F may think the world will be saved by getting rid of Trump. I think Trump is the wrong boogey man. Rather, the world will be rescued from a severe political and economic virus when the CCP is abolished.
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