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Old 04-17-2020, 07:34 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
Not even close to what I said. I said it's fair to criticize him for the things he did wrong.

But you can't criticize anyone who isn't him. You just can't. Nothing bad that happens, can be anyone else's fault.

How long can you go, without lying about my stance? You can't admit the truth (I blame Trump when he deserves it,, I give him credit when he deserves it), because you cannot accept anything other than Trump=bad. I give him criticism and praise, because like everyone else on the planet, sometimes he deserves praise, sometimes he deserves criticism.

You're so enslaved by this, you can't even criticize someone else. In your mind, you equate criticizing someone else, with letting Trump off the hook. For some reason, the thought that both Trump AND someone else messed up, is beyond your grasp.

Try making that wrong. Read your posts, and tell me I'm wrong.

As to the many labs are there that study coronaviruses? Not many. But there's one in Wuhan, very close to where China says this originated. That's a coincidence? Maybe.

China is not my President the WHO is not my CDC , lack of direct criticism of them( which has merit that most can separate what they didn't do and what we the USA didn't do)

Yet the only relevant criticisms you want to hear is about china and WHO , anything attempting to ease the case against Trump ( that's how I read your posts and responses )

I Criticize my President when he act in a manner that deserves criticism.... which I'll say it again it's not imaginary..and a direct response to his words and actions

You don't deserve praise for doing what your suppose to do... but Trump demands praise and accolades. 1st before he does his job that's a poor leader that a poor trait for anyone

I dont envy Trump but he thought being POTUS was easy ,, just un do anything With Obamas name on it , get praised go to a rally get cheered , play golf or spend more time in Fla than DC ... ( That's changed ) . Now it's real and his leadership is front and center.. and people are taking note ..
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