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Old 04-15-2020, 04:25 PM   #76
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
I read some of the things the Dems. wanted in and some of the things the Repubs wanted in. Same thing that happens on every big bill where they both try to put things in that have nothing to do wit the bill. You're a partisan hack.

I hit that one out of the park - time to bring in a relief pitcher bc you just got rocked hard. I bet you never played organized baseball in your life past little league.
'You're a partisan hack."

Who happens to be pro gay marriage, opposed to the death penalty, in favor of more gun control.

You're humiliating yourself.

"I bet you never played organized baseball in your life past little league"

Hilariously wrong again, actually (I was a catcher and learned a lot about the game, now I'm an actuary who builds predictive models, so I can build models to help me put together fantasy league teams like you can't believe, it's a part-time job, I make an absolute killing). You're really on a roll. What's the record for the most rakes one person has ever stepped on in one day, I wonder?

Why not take a video of you hitting yourself in the face with pies? That would be less demeaning and humiliating than these posts today.
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