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Old 04-15-2020, 03:47 PM   #74
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
There are rumors it will hold up the printing/delivery of the checks. Someone when the Dems. wanted things put it the bill you got all upset that it held things us (even though the Repubs did the same thing).

Now it is "no big deal"
People are already getting them. I would have told Trump to do this. He deserves credit for it. You're nervous that people will respond favorably to him, once again, putting money in their pocket. You're right to be nervous about that.

"when the Dems. wanted things put it the bill '

What things exactly, did they want to include? DO you know? Or did you not bother to read that crap, either? I did not get upset that it held things up. I got upset that they used this crisis as an attempt to ram through a Marxist wishlist that could never otherwise get approved, and which had absolutely nothing to do with economic relief. My disdain had zilch to do with holding it up, because even if the checks went out that day, I would have called it out for what it was.

Nice try. Swing and a miss.
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