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Old 04-14-2020, 10:58 AM   #146
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Where is your virtuousness when you said that SD's calling me a pussy had no degree of difficulty? So what the hell is wrong with you?

I said that I didn't care what was said bc I didn't read it. He said you engaged with him previously so it is not like you were snow white.

I think he adds more than you bc he constantly pulls up Trump's actual statements. I don't think he is stupid at all. - compare him to SD who hasn't made an intelligent post since he has been here.
I don't make claims of being virtuous. I don't deny my behavior here.

"He said you engaged with him previously"

Oh, FFS. He said that Obama was not wrong for putting kids in cages, because he did it less frequently than Trump. So I asked him what the magical number of cagings was, below which you were still a good person, above which you are a monster. That was my question. He responded the way he responded.

But he told you that I "engaged him", so in your mind I had it coming. But when I say I respond when people hit below the belt, you call me angry and insulting.

It's like you're trying to prove my point. You bend over backwards to avoid holding Pete to the same standard you hold me to. And when I tell you I only insult when I'm insulted first, you never accept that. But when Pete says the same exact thing, by jiminy that's good enough for you.

Lord almighty, you guys are all the same. You're all exactly the same.

"I think he adds more than you '

You are entitled to that absurd opinion.

"he constantly pulls up Trump's actual statements'

and he ignores and denies the results of Trumps policies.
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