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Old 04-14-2020, 07:15 AM   #7
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Sea Dangles View Post
Our leadership in DC never superseded the states. He didn’t close down the country. He allowed the governors to regulate activity in their states.
Of course people complained about this as a lack of leadership.
When he reminds us of how far reaching his power is,the left peddles fear.
No rhyme or reason
Just scared little bunnies.
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His haters go out of their way to look for reasons to get offended, no question. But he shouldn't be saying he has total control. But he's not routinely acting as if he truly believes that. I have a hard time watching the guy speak, too wandering and narcissistic.

I love how they went berserk of an over reach his China restrictions were, now the same exact people are saying he didn't do enough. Hard to take them seriously. The same people who denied Kavanaugh his presumption of innocence, are shielding Biden with the presumption of innocence.

Politics is all that matters. They are, quite literally, slaves to their liberalism. How else would the entire left be willing to destroy Kavanaugh, but not at all inclined to declare Biden guilty? Common sense, facts, empirical results do not matter at all. Preserving the ideology is all that matters.
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