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Old 04-10-2020, 08:38 AM   #35
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
And you seem to ignore the Repub. laying down infront of Trump and ignoring the claims about Trump - remember when they said they were the party of morals? Remember that fact.

Look at Bork's rulings - he was one of the most controversial picks for SCOTUS and didn't get all Repub. votes and did get some Dems.
"you brought that up here repeatedly has if he doesn't know the # of states/territories"

I poked fun at it, but I also repeatedly said that it was a simple slip-up, the kind that anyone would make if they had cameras in their face all day. When did you become a compulsive liar?

"you seem to ignore the Repub. laying down infront of Trump"

Another lie. There was a whole never-Trump movement within the GOP. Did you expect them to vote for Hilary? They don't support Trumps personal behavior, they support what hes doing for the country. Same thing with Bill Clinton, who I voted for and maintain that while he was a repulsive scumbag, he was a good POTUS.

"remember when they said they were the party of morals? Remember that fact."

They do say that, and I absolutely believe it.

Paul, you're focusing on the behavior of a small number of people, and projecting that to tens of millions. What matters, is the policies that each side endorses. The GOP endorses traditional family values. I'm not saying that every Republican lives up to those values, but we say that those values are the best values. Compare that to liberalism, where the motto is, "if it feels good, do it."

Voting for Trump is not an endorsement of hos personal behavior, it's an endorsement of his policies. You cannot argue with that, nor can you argue with his results, so you make the stupid leap to saying that all Republicans think he's a symbol of virtue.

Talk sense. What happened to you? Did Pete hack your username?
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