Thread: Trump* on blame
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Old 04-03-2020, 01:24 PM   #75
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Then leave.

As we have discussed dozens of times it is bc of the superior services provided in this liberal state. there are many facts that indicate people are better off in liberals states but you continue to harp on taxes while ignoring the better education and higher pay you get here.
You don't get it. Rather, you won't admit you get it, because that would dispute your "point" doesn't matter if I stay or go, of if you like it here or not. What matters is that a beautiful and convenient state, is one of the nation's leaders in population loss over the last 10 years. There is only 1 explanation for why this is happening in such a beautiful place with so much opportunity. You just can't say it out loud, like most liberals (note I didn't say all) you cannot process even the most obvious empirical data unless it serves your agenda.

When clinging to your beliefs requires you to deny facts that are staring you in the face, maybe ask why you believe what you believe. I was a registered democrat when I graduated from college, because it made a lot of sense to me to eliminate poverty by just taking a tiny bit more from billionaires who wouldn't miss it. Who could oppose something so obvious? but the thing is, it doesn't work. It just doesn't work. It has never worked, not once. So I stopped believing that was the answer.

"bc of the superior services provided in this liberal state.'

What planet do you live on, exactly? Ask just about anyone who works in state social services how their budget has changed in the last 10 years here in CT. Budgets are cut across the board, services offered to our needy neighbors being cut across the board. State funding to universities cut massively across the board.

You can't help anyone, when you're broke.

"there are many facts that indicate people are better off in liberals states "

Then why are successful people leaving (in general) liberal states, and moving to (in general) conservative states? Because they're too stupid to see that CT is better than the suburbs of Charlotte?
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