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Old 03-31-2020, 10:15 AM   #31
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Dont worry My pillow guy is on the job and Fox is in full blown defend Trump mode

Mainstream media mocks White House appearance of 'My Pillow Guy' Mike Lindell despite contribution to virus fight

I doubt his efforts were what was being mocked, they are honorable. ,,but his bending of the knee on national television was the reason his appearance was mocked and trumps desire for him to run as Gov of Minnesota , after is recent issue with the sitting governor did not go un noticed

God gave us grace on November 8, 2016, to change the course we were on," the pro-Trump businessman said. "God had been taken out of our schools and lives, a nation had turned its back on God. I encourage you to use this time at home to get back in the word. Read our Bible and spend time with our families."With our great president, vice president and this administration and all the great people in this country praying daily, we will get through this and get back to a place that’s stronger and safer than ever.”

But Rachel is so horrible for suggesting to Trump Stop with the arbitrary deadlines
"I doubt his efforts were what was being mocked"


"his bending of the knee on national television was the reason"

Why? Let's talk about that for a second. Why is that a reason for mockery? For tens of millions of Americans, faith is one of the most important things in their lives, so why do those who don't feel that why, need to mock those who do?

Every speck of data shows that people of faith identify as being happier, being more charitable, get divorced less often, commit less crime. Maybe instead of mocking faith non stop, your side should be asking, why does faith motivate people to do so much good? And why would a major political party be doing everything it can, to turn people away from faith?

"But Rachel is so horrible for suggesting to Trump Stop with the arbitrary deadlines"

No one said that. She is horrible for suggesting nightly, that bigotry is the only reason why anyone can disagree with her on anything.

Is it crazy for the My Pillow guy to feel like Obama attacked faith? Obama tried to force Christian business owners to provide elective abortions to employees, he was successfully sued multiple times for trampling on the religious freedoms of christians. That happened.
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