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Old 03-29-2020, 08:32 AM   #1
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Health care and hospitals at fault

I am purposely not putting this in the political forum.

But I am going to point fingers and ask questions, albeit focused in a totally different direction.

If you (or a family member) have had health issues, surgery, or been hospitalized in the past couple of years, you know the costs we, and the insurance companies have been paying out for these services AND SUPPLIES. Given the annual flu season we experience every year, and the need for PPE in dealing with the annual flu, WHY IS THERE SUCH A SHORTAGE OF PPE ON HAND? How could these hospitals across this country be operating on skin thin supply margins? Again, we all know what the costs are.... Or should I rephrase it and say what we get billed... Who has been getting rich here? Where is the money? Why do we have to bail out these for profit hospitals that have been raping us for years??? Time to find out who has been overpaid in these hospitals. And it is not the healthcare workers...

Healthcare system is broken. And it takes a pandemic to force us to see who is really important in the daily workings of our collective lives. It isn't the celebrities and CEOs that are getting us through this. (Nope, they are counting their bank and investments, trying to not be seen) Only a handful, less than a dozen, of all professional athletes are making a positive difference in these times... And Brady telling me to reduce my sugar intake while promoting TB12 isn't one of them.

People working hard to make more sales of fairly priced products is absolutely the old American way. It is the greedy, gouging, cheating, do nothing executives that have created the mess the new America finds itself in. Again, the inequitable distribution of wealth is the root of many problems here.

“Americans have the right and advantage of being armed, unlike the people of other countries, whose leaders are afraid to trust them with arms.” – James Madison.
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