Thread: This Market...
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Old 03-19-2020, 03:53 PM   #27
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
No I said some companies were overvalued even if they made no profit

Removing regulations is a red herring like trickle down economics even most optimistic models it take 5-10 years for business to see an affect of deregulation

Dont your arms ever get tired of waving pom poms all day ...

According to a research note from Bank of America Securities, it has taken 1,100 trading days on average to regain the territory lost during a bear market.

There are 252 trading days in a year, so that means the average time to get back to where we were is 4.4 years.

I am glad I live in reality, not A Trump driven reality
"I said some companies were overvalued even if they made no profit "

You did say that (which is correct by the way), but you said a lot more than that.

Here's what you said: "The markets haven't operated in the real world in a long time"

'The markets' is a very general term, you weren't talking about a select number of companies. The US market wasn't irrationally high. Trump haters desperately want people to think it was, because the alternative - that Trumps policies helped improve the economy to drive the growth - is too awful to even contemplate. But that's what happened. The February jobs report that came out a few days before this, absolutely crushed expectations.

"Removing regulations is a red herring like trickle down economics even most optimistic models it take 5-10 years for business to see an affect of deregulation "

CEOs are saying the deregulations helped. Again, you know better. Removing regulations can instill confidence that things will get better, even if the effect isn't in the balance sheets for some time.

"Dont your arms ever get tired of waving pom poms all day "

You ever get tired of lying? I criticize him all the time. But not when he doesn't deserve it.
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