Thread: Tooo far
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Old 02-16-2020, 11:34 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
seems perfectly reasonable

"One commenter on the Grassroots Motorsports forum reported that he’d already been issued a $430 fine for working on his car in his garage:

"I have not been left alone, they levied a $430 fine yesterday. You can request a hearing to review the code enforcement decision, that costs $700 to complain."
2. Can someone appeal a Code Enforcement violation notice?


Yes. Violation notices can be appealed if one believes no violation exists. Specific instructions are provided with each type of notice on how to appeal. However, if upon appeal the violation notice is upheld, the appellant must pay all enforcement fees associated with the case.

Couldn't find an appeal fee of 700.00 to fight a 430 dollar ticket for a grand total 1130.00 bucks if they loose,, someone is only telling part of the truth
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