Thread: Iran
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Old 01-03-2020, 12:11 PM   #24
Jim in CT
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I saw Chris Murphy crying that Trump didn't work with Congress on this.

(1) the democrats in congress have been saying for 23 years that Trump is Russian agent, a criminal, a racist, the second coming of Hitler. And then they act surprised that Trump didn't reach out to them? The democrats have made it clear they don't want a working relationship with Trump, and this is what not having a relationship looks like.

(2) Obama didn't consults Congress about the Bid Laden raid until after it happened, as far as I recall. Chris Murphy didn't cry about it.

Lindsey Graham (who I'm not a big fan of) was 100% correct when he tweeted today that if Iran responds by seeking mass American casualties, they can kiss their oil fields good-bye. Iran doesn't respond to presidents trying to appease them. It didn't work for Carter, and it didn't work for Obama.

Might be time to put 50% of my IRA in cash. I don't like the vibes that are being given here...
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