Thread: Iran
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Old 01-03-2020, 10:24 AM   #13
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Obama managed to box in and economically strangle both Russia and Iran without ever firing a shot.

Trump has singlehandedly undone all of that; resuscitated their influence; and endangered American interests in return for absolutely nothing.
"Obama managed to box in and economically strangle both Russia and Iran without ever firing a shot."

I don't know what planet you happen to live on, but here on Earth, Obama sent Iran a jillion dollars in cash in the middle of the night. That's your idea of "economic starvation"? Is there any lie you won't tell to show that liberal=good, conservative=bad?

I gave Obama good marks on the economy and killing terrorists. He was a complete flop at reigning in adversarial heads of state. As you claim that Trumps bullying will make the world hate us, you and Obama feel that apologizing to and appeasing the bullies would make them like us more. That's not a theoretical speculation anymore, Obama did it for 8 years, and we know how it played out, the empirical evidence is right there. It didn't work well.

You are now at the point, where you literally aren't even worth reading or responding to.

Obama starved Iran economically. That's a good one.
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