Thread: Iran
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Old 01-03-2020, 10:17 AM   #11
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
death and maiming the US has done its share

But how many Americans ever heard of this General and theses these atrocities
How many Americans are asking if he was so evil why now ?

how many Americans are saying Now Trump believes his intelligence community he was planning attacks against diplomats,

2019 Trump administration labels them a terrorists group.. is this the new way around targeted killings well call them or anyone a terrorist , and we are good to go

Trumps rolling the dice on this one , with the markets , American lives which in my view he has now put at greater risk than they were yesterday, totally told Iraq to f off by ignoring their sovereignty ,, Iraqis can see this clearly

I appreciate President @realDonaldTrump's bold action against Iranian aggression. To the Iranian government: if you want more, you will get more," Graham tweeted.

Just another example of Republicans willingness to concede their responsibility and enable Trumps vision of executive power

Sadly there is no upside if it dosen't escalate Trumps will see his choice as validation to his genius and he will broaden these actions , if it does escalate Trump and his supporters will blame Iran

What would Americans think if Iran called the joint chief of staff a terrorist and they killed him and others in their motorcade in a 3 rd country they were visiting?
'death and maiming the US has done its share "

In the modern era, we don't start wars of aggression.

"But how many Americans ever heard of this General "

Not the least bit relevant. Too many people watch re-runs of 'Friends' instead of the news, that doesn't mean the guy isn't guilty as hell.

"if he was so evil why now ?" Either because this is the first time this target was somewhere where we could get him, or because we now have a president who won't allow others to murder Americans with no response.

"2019 Trump administration labels them a terrorists group.. is this the new way around targeted killings well call them or anyone a terrorist , and we are good to go"

Trump isn't the first person to label this guy a terrorist, not even close. Can you ever be honest?

"Trumps rolling the dice on this one "

Very, very true.

Why is Graham's statement to Iran, a "concession" of his responsibility? He's warning Iran not to target Americans, and you criticize him for that? I think most Americans are OK with a US Senator warning Iran that there may be grave consequences if they try to target Americans. But you think Graham is conceding responsibility for saying that?

Trump can't declare war with Iran by himself. Only Congress can do that.
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