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Old 11-21-2019, 09:46 AM   #9
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Investigations into American citizens are NOT done by foreign powers and certainly NOT to benefit POTUS personally and NOT when the end game is interference in our elections, that is what this is about. If Trump felt an investigation was warranted there are proper channels, but in true Trump fashion, he knows better and of course he eats conspiracy theories for breakfast.
"Investigations into American citizens are NOT done by foreign powers"

The hell they aren't, if the citizen is doing something fishy in another country. You're saying Ukraine has no sovereign authority to see if American citizens are breaking Ukraine laws while in Ukraine? Remember when Bill Clinton was president, some spoiled brat American teenager was living in Saudi Arabia (?), got caught vandalizing cars with spray paint. Saudi law calls for caning as punishment. Clinton looked into it, a lot of people wanted Clinton to intervene, he didn't (good for him), the kid was caned. But Clinton absolutely asked the Saudi government to let him know exactly what they discovered that this kid was doing.

"certainly NOT to benefit POTUS personally"

Nonsense, much of what Presidents (all politicians ) do, is done to help them get re elected.

"If Trump felt an investigation was warranted there are proper channels"

Please, please cite the rule or law which says that Trump asking the Ukranian president, isn't the proper way to do it.
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