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Old 07-17-2019, 09:11 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
He claims that trump is not a racist because he will attack anyone in any manner possible, glad you’re impressed. I am not.

He was responding to your version of racism. Your version does not stand up to rational and objective scrutiny. As was pointed out by Jim. And Jim was not trying to impress, but to demonstrate how you are wrong. This mode of argument by changing the subject, moving the goalpost, that you constantly employ is another form of lie that you use to squirm out of your own chit. If you're trying to impress with slight of hand, it comes off as very weak.

Trumplicans may cringe at the actions Jim listed. They may wince at his easily disproved lies. They may somehow shrug off his lack of understanding of government. They may claim the ends justify the means.

Putting words in "Trumplican's" mouth, or imputing your version of their motivation is another form of lie. It has been explained why and what motivation drove us to vote for him. It has been pointed out here over and over. So don't lie about having to paint a picture that isn't so. You lie, and lie, and lie, every time you talk about Trump, and you do that incessantly.

But he is their guy, leader, example, role model.
He’s the President, son, but don’t act like him.
Again, you're setting up a strawman lie. He has not been set up as a role model. On the other hand, he is not the frightful monster you lyingly make him out to be.

Last edited by detbuch; 07-18-2019 at 12:02 AM..
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