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Old 06-29-2019, 08:56 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
So on Bingo Nite #2, EACH candidate - fringe and otherwise - raised their hand to support open borders and healthcare for all, including anyone regardless of their citizenship status, 'cept a reluctant Slow Uncle Joe that either had tennis Elbow which limited the speed and accuracy of his hand travel or was on the fence on how to answer (suspect the last).

So let's break this down:

All of the candidates support allowing anyone to come across the border to remain in the USA.
They will receive full healthcare
They can stay

We can't afford this. This is fracking stupid.
You've stated it simply, succinctly, clearly. Must be something wrong with what you say. It just doesn't stand up to normal circuitous, misleading, contradictory, obfuscatory, bald faced lying political speak.
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