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Old 04-11-2019, 07:40 AM   #9
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Show me the study proving the percentage of crossings by fake family units, I know it happens, but I don’t believe it’s anywhere near the crisis and fear level Trump would have you believe; but then again it’s clear the base believes it regardless of facts. Do you admit a trumps rhetoric, current and future policies on the radar have resulted in the spike at the border, I’m guessing not.
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"Show me the study proving the percentage of crossings by fake family units, I know it happens, but I don’t believe it’s anywhere "

well, what you believe doesn't matter a fig. What matters, is what is actually happening. Watch the news, and listen to what border patrol agents are saying.

There are a million articles you could google, here is an article in the right wing, pro-Trump New York Times.

Here is a pull out quote...

"Traveling with children is helping migrants avoid detention"

Now, since you have clearly concluded that there was no logidtical reason for the increased separation of kids, and that Trump was just doing it because he's cruel, I'd love to ask you, do you feel like you've been duped, and lied to, by whoever you get your news from?

Huge numbers of kids showed up that weren't there before. American law doesn't allow for quick deportation when children are present. Those two things together, have created a huge logistical challenge. Add to that, the raw numbers of immigrants are surging, as poor people from Central America (as opposed to just Mexico) are making the trip.

So I'll ask you what I asked Paul...if you were president, and huge numbers of children starting showing up, and American law said that you can't just deport them as easily as you can single males, and you have zero infrastructure to deal with it, what would you do?

Trump separated the children while figuring out what to do. He is attacked for that (even though no one cared when Obama did it on a smaller scale). If Trump put everyone in one huge area, and kids were raped by a couple of pedophiles, he'd get attacked for that.
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