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Old 04-10-2019, 03:18 PM   #22
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
That Damn Obama separating an adult who the border patrol thinks may have committed a serious crime like murder or kidnapping a child from the minor child they are with. I guess they could have done the following instead of separating them:

1) Detain the adult in a cell with the minor child so as to not separate them.
2) Let the adult and child go so as to not separate them and hope they come back
3) Any other suggestions?
Paul, what would you do, when overnight, the majority of illegals switched form individuals we could ship back the next day, to families with kids who by law, cannot be shipped back right away.

Tens of thousands of such people every month. Every month, tens of thousands. You have no idea who they are, you don't know if it's an actual family or a staged family designed to skirt our laws. What would you do? What should we be doing?

If Trump didn't separate them, and put them all together in a huge pen, and any of those kids were harmed by adults, then the liberal zombies would be saying Trump would have separated those kids if he cared about them, that's it's wrong to foerce kids and adults to be penned together.

Can we let them all go in your neighborhood Paul? Are you OK with that? 100,000 in March alone? can they all get housing, education, and healthcare in your town?

What should he be doing?
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