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Old 04-05-2019, 12:21 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"clearly you only saw and heard what you wanted... did you watch anything before or after"

I watched the segment. YOU are the one who seems to be ignoring that which doesn't serve your agenda...

"the gas tax? pure red meat Conservative Stuff "

YOu deny that increasing gas tax, hurts average Americans? OK, maybe that's subjective.

I note that you left out all the things Carlson said, which would make a rational person conclude that he's not a right wing nut. Carlson explicitly attacked Trump for talking about cutting Medicare. Carlson explicitly attacked Trump for giving so much of the tax cut benefits to the wealthy and corporations. Carlson called for big increases to taxes on capital gains and dividends.

WDMSO, how come you left out all those items that Carlson discussed?

Carlson's entire point, is that Trumps ideas in those areas are so bad, so unhealthy for the middle class, that Carlsonspeculated he was trying to lose on purpose.

Is that Carlson bowing to Trump? Or is that Carlson disemboweling Trump?

I very specifically listed the things Carlson discussed, and I included things that conservatives would agree with, and things liberals would agree with. You, very strategically, ignored all of the items Carlson articulated that are "liberal", like leaving Medicare alone and increasing capital gains and dividend taxes.

You simply cannot recognize, process, or accept...anything which doesn't make him look like a right wing nut. Your brain cannot grasp that even though he's on Foxnews, he supports some ideas that are more liberal in nature, that he supports some big ideas that you agree with.

He agrees with you on some big issues, and you can't accept that. Because in your view, conservative=bad, always, zero exceptions.

What are you afraid would happen, exactly, if you conceded that you respect that Carlson is willing to deviate from Republican ideology to call for tax hikes on capital gains and dividends? Carlson explicitly said it's not fair that wealthy people pay such a low tax rate because of capital gains and dividends. We all know you agree with him. But you can't say it.

That says a lot more about you, than it does about me or Foxnews.

"Could you see that as criticism of Trump I guess "

Oh, you GUESS that was criticism of Trump? Did you watch the segment?

I watched the whole thing

since when is criticism Telling and giving advice to Trump to tax other things and not the gas tax because it affects his base and he might lose the election ... in a normal world thats called advice
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