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Old 04-05-2019, 07:29 AM   #3
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
I actually was answering emails and saw that but wasn't really paying much attention. He did complain about the gas tax and said if we need $ for highways to reverse some of the tax cuts. I haven't seen carlson that much. I've have seen chris wallace bash Trump. I agree CNN doesn't have people who bash Dems. They will put 1 righty panelist with 2 left panelists but no righty anchor.

However........the leads on fox have gone over the line on praising Trump. You would never have cnn anchors on stage w/a Pres. They all are saying Trump was cleared of obstruction when Mueller didn't say that. Also, there have never been private phone calls between a Dem. pres. and the left equiv. of fox and friends or hannity. Go on line and read the NY times mag. this week about fox and Murdoch and the coordination w/trump.
I wasn't aiming this at you, as I've said before I disagree with you, but you're honest.

"the leads on fox have gone over the line on praising Trump"

besides Fox & Friends and Sean Hannity, who else refuses to say anything bad about him? Megyn Kelly was enormously popular,. she hated him. Chris Wallace, Brett Baier, Tucker Carlson, and Laura Ingraham criticize Trump all the time. I think if you saw the numbers of the % of coverage that's favorable/unfavorable at Fox, CNN, MSNBC for the Obama/Trump presidencies, the bias would be obvious.

"there have never been private phone calls between a Dem. pres. and the left equiv. of fox and friends or hannity."

How could you possibly know that, if they are private?

There's more to Foxnews than Hannity and Fox and Friends. Those are two shows. Hannity is the single biggest show (for some reason?), but he is sandwiched between two hosts who bash Trump regularly.

I find myself really, really liking Tucker Carlson.
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