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Old 04-04-2019, 04:16 PM   #38
Pete F.
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"You need me to tell you that some media leans left? "

You really, really have an aversion to answering question, don't you?

If you look at the entire TV media minus Fox news, is there an obvious, glaring, consistent left bias? Yes or no?
No Jim, not nearly as far left as Faux is to the right

."Somehow that means reporters cannot ask questions you object to"

Hearing those voices again. They can ask fair, objective , challenging questions. Asking if the FBI should go after Clinton critics, does not qualify. Because she would never, ever, in a million years, ask if the FBI should go after those who criticize Trump. That's the difference.
Chanting "lock her up" at a political rally qualifies as being a political critic as much as Kathy Griffins holding a fake head. What was your opinion of that?

As I said, when I was younger, all the journalists were democrats, but you could never tell from watching them at work. Now it's obvious. They're political activists who call themselves journalists.

"Meanwhile you believe everything the State/Faux propaganda machine rolls out"

Again, hearing voices with help from your tin foil hat. I disagree with the GOP on gay marriage, the death penalty, and to some extent, gun control and health care. And I think Trump is a scumbag. How many times do I have to say that, before you comprehend it? Are we almost there? Are we close?

You've bought into Trump's Fake news gaslighting and sound like the drunk's wife, who claims he really loves her, he's really a good man, as she stands there with a black eye, again

"The close alignment of Faux and Trump "

Former Fox News president Joe Peyronnin says the network is now President Trump’s "own press organization." And that’s "not healthy."

Tucker Carlson criticizes Trump every night, as does Chris Wallace and Brett Baier. Megyn Kelly hated him, although she's obviously not there anymore. At Foxnews, you have the folks on Fox&Friends, and Sean Hannity, who are his lapdogs. The others will criticize him. Who at CNN or MSNBC ever criticized Obama, who there ever says anything good about Trump?
So when you were a child the reporters just reported the news and that was good, but when Obama became president they should instead have actively criticized him rather than report the news

Is there a close alignment between the DNC and CNN/MSNBC?
What other President has called a media figure nightly?

You have some proof that the media is somehow coordinated against Trump by the DNC? Maybe the "deep state" runs it?

Frasier: Niles, I’ve just had the most marvelous idea for a website! People will post their opinions, cheeky bon mots, and insights, and others will reply in kind!

Niles: You have met “people”, haven’t you?

Lets Go Darwin
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