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Old 04-03-2019, 04:51 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
I just had to paste this, all the people who live in Middletown should be really worried:

"Look, I don’t know about you, but if somebody close to you:

1. Repeatedly insisted a parent was born thousands of miles from where he was actually born—in another country, no less;

He meant his grandfather, who was born in Germany. Typical Trump misspeak. Like Obama's 57 states/

2. Was unaware of whether he was being recorded, when that was obvious to all, at a meeting of the NRCC with Cspan cameras that he claimed was going to be leaked;

It was sarcasm. Typical Trump sarcasm.

3. And that windmills can give you cancer …

Again, he was being sarcastic.

I’d say that person is mentally unwell. I welcome your defenses of any/all of this."
There's nothing to defend. If this actually worries you, perhaps you're the one who is mentally unwell. Try watching an entire rally rather than a severely and selectively edited one. It might give you a clue as to how he says a lot of stuff, often with humor or sarcasm, and with occasional misspeaks.

This little worry you have is over a typical little piece of fake news. Relax. We are not in danger of being destroyed by Trumpian satire and stream of conscious misspoken words.
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