Thread: Fentanyl Deaths
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Old 03-27-2019, 12:42 PM   #34
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
Jim, no matter how much your sympathy desires the federal government to overreach its powers in order to do what you consider compassionate, you are not going to be allowed to pick and choose which compassionate unconstitutional measures will be allowed. None of the goodies that the left want to fund nationally will be cut in order to appease your desire to fund just the ones you prefer.

In the meantime, as you perfectly well know, the national debt rises. And is never paid down. But just continues to grow as we add new and wonderfully compassionate and nice sounding schemes to the federal roster of caring things it will do "for the people."

This has to stop. Reign the federal government back to within its constitutionally prescribed limitations and miraculously there will be wealth left to the private sector to do wonderful things "for the people". And the people will actually have a say in what those things will be.

When compassion is left to "the people," it will be humane. When it is a function of bureaucracies, it will be as humane as tasks delivered by robots. And the robots will be programmed by a few selected people who have their own interests.
I freely concede that I have no logical response to your constitutionally-based argument. I just don't like it. That also makes me a bit of a hypocrite, as I regularly use your logic to make the point that we're supposed to play by the rules, and the rulebook is the Constitution.
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