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Old 03-17-2019, 10:12 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by TheSpecialist View Post
Financially speaking a middle class income makes no sense owning a house with $1000. a month in RE taxes top of a 2-3k note. At that point your better off renting and let someone else deal with all the headaches of owning a home

My BIL and SIl bought a huge house in Woburn. They both have very good paying jobs and help from her side of the family with childcare for their only child. There house is beautiful, but it does not feel like a home. It is sparsely furnished, and they keep the house ice cold in the cold months. My mother inlay won't stay over night when she comes out to visit cause the house is so cold. They have 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, there are only 3 of them in the family A bit excessive... cant expect people today to share a bathroom....can you?

Finished up a mansion for some rich folks....gated community with private golf course.....later got a call about some problem in their adult daughters bathroom....went to open the door to bedroom and the door jammed with clothing that was strewn all over the floor...everywhere....and the bathroom....just beyond the empty designer walk-in closet was a disgusting mess.

In his many visits to the jobsite during the construction the owner managed to back into and damage three different worker vehicles with his Mercedes.

My son happens to be a bar manager at an exclusive private club the home owner belongs to and told me the guy was always rude and obnoxious to him..... He eventually mentioned to him that he was the son of a carpenter who worked on his house for a year. He instantly changed his attitude and said "your dad's a craftsman" been chummy with my boy ever since.
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