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Old 03-04-2019, 02:53 PM   #23
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Your last statement confirms what I think a lot of Rep. feel - that social services are just freebies. I view the Dems. policies as a good thing and why I very infrequently vote Rep any more.
"I've asked before - we just had 8 years of a Dem gov. and 8 prior of Repub govern. "

And I've responded before with this...the Republican governors were liberal, and had liberal legislatures to work with. Are you aware who crafts budgets and writes laws? It's not the governor, it's the legislature. I'll ask again, please point to any conservative economic principles tat were implemented under te Republican governors? You can't, because there weren't any. Our economic landscape is pure, unchecked liberalism, and the results speak for themselves.

"like food stamps"

to a point. Not given to people who are capable of working. And not to be used for anything other than food, staples. When I worked at a supermarket a million years ago, the same cheats were always trying to use food stamps to buy makeup, perfume, alcohol, cigarettes. I don't even think they should be able to be used for soda or candy. Healthy food only, if you don't like it, tough nuggets.

"I guess you thing all people on any assistance are addicted to welfare "

Never said anything close to that. But some get addicted to it, obviously it robs some people of the urge to be self sufficient, and that's only good for one group...democrats. It's not good for the person who is ruined, it's not good for the public who know has another dependent to care for.

Again, I point to Bill Clinton. He kicked MILLIONS off welfare, and they didn't all starve to death. If a Republican tried to do that today, you'd say they hate poor people. Clinton gave them a needed kick in the rear end.

"does that include the mentally/physically challenged?"

Come on, talk sense. I want to offer a better safety net for those people, because those are people who can't care for themselves.

Summer of 2017 in CT, democrat governor, democrat legislature. They shut down 26 non profits which relied on state funding, vital agencies who serve the people you talked about. But the families who depend on those non profits, unfortunately, aren't unionized, so Malloy and the legislature happily threw them under the bus.

"I don't think so (that democrats benefit when poor people remain poor).

Well, obviously, I think you're wrong.

"I view the Dems. policies as a good thing "

In Hartford and Bridgeport?

Paul, CT is one of the wealthiest states in the nation, and it's dying. The other states as bad off, are IL and NJ. Do you see any similarities there? Any commonalities among the political persuasion of those states?
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