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Old 03-04-2019, 08:53 AM   #2
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Republicans claim that Democrat's "ties" to Communists and Socialists are a really big and dangerous deal. And that Democrats are tainted because the Communists and Socialists supposedly are part of their constituency. But how about Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists and Racists close ties to the Republican Party?

Democrats know that not all Republicans are racists. But we are puzzled that so many are complicit in, or at least unwilling to condemn, the takeover of their party by those who are. Accusations of racism first lead to outrage, then to rationalizations and reminders about the health of the economy. Seemingly racist rants are nothing of the kind, only idiosyncrasies that we must tolerate. Even bad guys do good things. The ends justify the means.

Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum could have been talking about Donald Trump when he said of his opponent, “I’m not calling (him) a racist. I’m simply saying the racists believe he’s a racist” (USA Today).

Paul Waldman expands on this: “But you know who doesn’t have to worry about getting endorsed by neo-Nazis, white nationalists and racists? People who don’t give neo-Nazis, white nationals, and racists any reason to believe that they share their views” (Washington Post). Republican rationalizations and denials ring hollow in light of this.

A record number of self-described white supremacists and neo-Nazis ran for office this year under the Republican banner, to the chagrin of many party leaders and conservative pundits. Several won primaries, and some won re-election to federal or state offices.

Here are a few of them:

Rep. Steve King, who has served in Congress since 2003, was narrowly re-elected in Iowa. For him, civilization has been built largely by white European Christians (nevermind the highly sophisticated pre-Columbian American, Chinese, Indian, and Middle Eastern cultures that thrived while Europe wallowed in the Dark Ages). Immigrants’ children will detrimentally redefine our culture. Hispanic are “dirt.” He has ties to the far-right Austrian Freedom Party (The Guardian). His constituents love him, and Republican Party officials, except possibly Gov. Kim Reynolds, who recently called him out, at least tolerate him.
Arthur Jones from Chicago, an unapologetic former leader of the American Nazi Party whose website is littered with anti-Semitic rants, ran unopposed in the Republican primary for a congressional seat but lost the midterm (The Guardian). Ted Cruz said even a Democrat would be preferable to Jones (Vox).
Another self-described white nationalist, Paul Nehlen, who enjoyed early support from Steve Bannon, lost the Wisconsin election for Paul Ryan’s seat. He’s considered too racist even for Gab (Vox)!
North Carolina State House candidate Russell Walker won a low-turn-out Republican primary but lost the midterm. His views? “Jews are the children of Satan.” “What is wrong with being a white supremacist?” Barack Obama is “genetically inferior.” Interracial couples are “race traitors.”
Corey Stewart lost the race for Virginia governor to Tim Kaine. He associates with Charlottesville protest organizer and white supremacist Jason Kessler. His nomination prompted the resignation of Virginia’s Republican state chairman.
That most lost isn’t the point. That they felt free to run on their beliefs and were widely supported is.

Negative campaign ads sky-rocketed this year over 2016 (USA Today). Many were overtly racist. Robocalls in Florida mocked Andrew Gillum with minstrel language and jungle music. An Oprah impersonator in Georgia described Stacey Adams as “a poor man’s Aunt Jemima.” In New York, a candidate who is African-American and a Rhodes Scholar was called a “big-city rapper.” A candidate in California’s 50th Congressional District ran ads trying to tie his opponent, who has Palestinian-Mexican heritage, to radical Muslims, suggesting he was a “national security risk” and trying to “infiltrate Congress.”

Mark Meadows vowed in his campaign to send Obama back to Kenya.

That name calling sword has two edges.

You really are something. Your side is never wrong, the other side is never right. Never.

"Socialists supposedly are part of their (democrats) constituency".

Supposedly? The de facto leader of that party is Cortez, an admitted socialist. One of the leading presidential contenders (I think he's leading the polls as of right now?) is Bernie Sanders.

"how about Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists and Racists close ties to the Republican Party?"

There aren't "close" ties. I would assume that most racists and white supremacists identify as Republicans. Which shows you, yet again, how utterly stupid these people are. Because there just isn't anything in the conservative platform that's racist, or bad for black people. Furthermore, the empirical evidence tells me, that the liberalism that rules in places with huge numbers of blacks, hasn't worked so well.

So to repeat, there are actual policy items endorsed by the democrats leading presidential contender (Bernie), and it's most influential congressman (Cortez), which are obviously, on-their-face, socialist. These people freely identify as being socialist (despite each having multiple homes, but we can save that for another day).

To contrast, there is nothing in the conservative agenda, which is similarly racist or white supremacist. Obviously there are racists in the millions and millions of conservatives. But there isn't anything racist in the Republican platform. Just because you desperately want there to be, doesn't make it so. Wanting people to work (if they can work), rather than making them addicted to welfare, isn't racist.

"For him, civilization has been built largely by white European Christians "

That's how the world was then.

"Arthur Jones from Chicago, an unapologetic former leader of the American Nazi Party whose website is littered with anti-Semitic rants, ran unopposed in the Republican primary for a congressional seat "

And why is that? You didn't post why that was? I sit because all Republicans are racist, or is it because no serious Republican would waste their time in Chicago?

"Another self-described white nationalist, Paul Nehlen, who enjoyed early support from Steve Bannon, lost the Wisconsin election for Paul Ryan’s seat"

OK. So two racists who lost, are the equivalent to socialkists not only winning, but then helping to shape and lead, the entire democratic party?

You are suggesting that Paul Nehlen and Arthur Jones, who no one has ever heard of, are as influential to the GOP, as Cortez and Sanders are to the Democrats??

Not reaching there, nope.

"That name calling sword has two edges"

It sure does. But it cuts deeper with Alexandria Cortez and Bernie Sanders, than it does with Paul Nehlen and Arthur Jones, whoever the hell they are.


You put the question in red. Oops, I put the answer in black, does that mean I'm racist?
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