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Old 02-22-2019, 01:26 PM   #118
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
This is the core strategy of the Trump campaign.
The core strategy of his re-election campaign, will be the economy. Character, I suppose, will not be a key theme.

He is a victim. It takes a lot of work to make a guy that gross, appear sympathetic, but the left has done it. Because they can't be fair. And by "fair", I don't mean to follow Sean Hannity's lead and lick his boots all day. "Fair" means criticize him when he deserves it, compliment him when he deserves it. The left can't come close to doing that.

Look at the democrat Congressional reaction to good news presented during the SOTU. They were absolutely miserable that good things took place during Trumps presidency. I'm not saying that Republicans didn't want Obama to fail, of course they did. But they weren't this overt, it wasn't all they did.
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