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Old 02-18-2019, 10:58 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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Jussie Smullett hoax

Never heard of this poor guy before this hoax (assuming that's what it was), feel bad for the guy, probably a desperate cry for attention and sympathy.

ONCE AGAIN, the media and the far left (sorry for the redundancy there) saw an opportunity to smear the right, and jumped the gun before anything like due process took place.

HOW MANY TIMES do these morons have to end up with egg on their faces, before they just wait for investigations to take place? Duke lacrosse, hands up don't shoot, the Rolling Stone U-VA rape case, the Covington kids, now this.

This is a great opportunity for us to collectively take a deep breath, and start over. But it won't happen, Trump Derangement Syndrome is way too powerful.

Hope this guy doesn't commit suicide. Pathetic.
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