Thread: Double standard
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Old 01-30-2019, 02:49 PM   #14
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Nebe View Post
Im sorry your reading comprehension is sub standard.

Lets look at the part about violence being OK to support a feeling of nationalism.. now think back with when Trump was encouraging people beat up the protesters at his rallies and "he would pay the legal fees"

Trump loves protectionism ( trade tariffs)

Trump uses fascist tactics to gain and hold power. If you support Trump, you may not be a fascist, but you approve of fascist politics. The millions of Germans who supported the nazi party might not have been full blown nazi's but they liked their message and wanted to make Germany great again.
"now think back with when Trump was encouraging people beat up the protesters at his rallies and "he would pay the legal fees"

That was disgusting. But in reality, did it happen? Which side resorts to anarchy, to shut the other side up? Think back to all of the political riots in the US since the 1960s, and what % of those riots, do you think were started by republicans? Look what happens when a conservative attempts to speak on a college campus.

"Trump loves dictators"

But is he one? Would a dictator let MSNBC and CNN say the things they say about him, all day, every day?

"{Trump uses fascist tactics to gain and hold power."


He won an election. What does he do that's fascist? What kind of fascist lets people compare him to Hitler all day long?

"The millions of Germans who supported the nazi party might not have been full blown nazi's but they liked their message and wanted to make Germany great again"

Tell me what he's doing, that's a valid comparison to Nazi Germany? Where are the death camps and chlorine showers?
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