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Old 12-13-2018, 09:28 AM   #3
Jim in CT
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If his wealth is "obscene" as he says, why does he cling to it? What's stopping him from giving it away?

He's also wrong when he says that everyone who isn't a plutocrat, is falling further behind. I'm not in the top 1%, not even close, but I'm not falling behind, either. My net worth isn't increasing as fast as his, but it's not decreasing.

He is also speculating wildly when he says that unless we address income inequality, that we will turn into 18th century France.

Pete, we have discussed this. I asked you many times, and you didn't answer, this key question...what has this guy taken form anybody? How has his wealth, caused anyone else's poverty?

He talks about all the benefits of increasing wages, and there may well be benefits. Not one word about the increased costs that come with higher wages.

Pete, go to your local pizzeria, and ask the owner why he doesn't pay his bus boy and cashier, $45,000 a year.

I agree with you Pete, that this guy's wealth isn't fair. Where you and I disagree, is that I don't think his wealth is hurting anybody. I can't fathom how anyone would necessarily better off, if this guy stopped making money after he accumulated, say, $1M.

If he wants to donate his wealth to the needy, he can amazing good by doing so.

But I see no evidence that he took anything from anybody, I see no evidence that his wealth is the cause of anyone else's poverty. Do you?
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