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Old 11-16-2018, 04:56 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
How do know your a conservative snowflake

When you call me one. I don't care to use that word, or words like #^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&, Democrap, Trumpets, etc. But if it soothes your anger to do so, or you're just trying to be funny, go for it.

1st example.. when think others exaggerated picture created by those who do want to bury him. must even exaggerate them and conjure up more that don't actually exist.

Translation Trump is a Victim !! seeing or hearing what he's done or said actually exist. unless your a Trump supporter then they don't actually exist.

I have not claimed that Trump is a victim. I have rebutted things said about him. Your translation is not correct. But that is not unusual for you. Not everything you say about Trump is true. I don't rebut what is true. I try to refute that which I think is not true or is exaggerated or misleading.

For example, in a thread I started yesterday, the first response was that Trump is a misogynist. I made a general rebuttal. Then Pete F., who has said several times that Trump is a misogynist, posted an article that actually and convincingly contradicted that notion. As well, it repudiated other negative things about Trump that are reiterated on this forum and in the MSM.

So, yes, I do believe that many things said about Trump are not true, or are misleading or exaggerated. Whether the misrepresentation is intentional or not may depend on the opinion of whatever type of "snowflake" you are.

2nd double down and blame others for endless vitriolic rhetoric and contempt

I don't "blame" you for your endless vitriolic rhetoric and contempt. I just point it out. You know . . . that laser pointer bit you like.

those who wish to bury him see it that way. And they do spew their endless vitriolic rhetoric and contempt for him as they sit in their self-righteous office of presidential critic where they see nothing about him that is sincerely good.

Translation Trump is a Victim but he is really a nice guy ? Who's responsible for Trumps image ... Trump is but just another example of wanting it both ways

Again, your false victim meme. And how do you translate that I said Trump is a "really nice guy"? At best, that's merely a ridiculous exaggeration. Or, if we use your standard for calling some things Trump said lies, then what you said here could be considered a lie.

And I don't know what your "wanting it both ways" thing is about. I don't dare "translate" it.

like this Thread is it an invading army or is it a caravan of people escaping hardships ... it's clearly not equally both ...
A caravan of thousands of people intending to illegally cross a border can absolutely be considered an invasion. Invasions are not just done by armies. You can invade someone's privacy. You can invade my space. And it can be an invasion even if it is done by those fleeing hardships. The two things can clearly be "equally both."

And if your claiming that they are escaping hardships, that is not enough to justify asylum.

And in the two videos that I posted of reporters who actually mingled with the caravanners, they found that it was not mostly women and children, but estimated to be about 5% women and children and about 95% men. And that photo-ops were selected by having mostly women and children pose, giving the appearance that that's what constituted the caravan. But, of course, those reporters were just lying. Of course.
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