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Old 11-15-2018, 07:47 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Clearly you are in the club that see that clip as something to be praised showered with accolades.. which was posted with the those who feel Trump is persecuted as the target audience ...

I see it as part of the totality that you are unable or unwilling to see. It deserves no accolades. For me it merely is what it is. Just as Trump's negatives are what they are. I don't consider it necessary to belong to a club to see things as they are. Perhaps you do. Perhaps you're in the club that can only see his negatives . . . and must even exaggerate them and conjure up more that don't actually exist. You likened those posting in the comment section of the video to a cult. Perhaps your club is like a cult . . . of implacable haters . . . or obstreperous Democrats.

What I see in the clip is a POTUS doing what he should be doing anyway ..just like those who came before him have .. it's their duty to recognize such things .... he deserves no praise for doing what right to start with.

To borrow and sort of paraphrase Mark Antony's famous quote in Shakespear's JULIUS CAESAR, I neither praise Trump, nor do I wish to bury him. I only wish to add what is right and just to his story--small bits of reality to add to the exaggerated picture created by those who do want to bury him. He doesn't deserve praise for doing what's right, but he should be given recognition that he does do right.

these events are seen by many as window dressing and hollow gestures.. Because of Trumps endless vitriolic rhetoric and contempt for the office in which he sits making such events appear insincere

Yes, those who wish to bury him see it that way. And they do spew their endless vitriolic rhetoric and contempt for him as they sit in their self-righteous office of presidential critic where they see nothing about him that is sincerely good.

Trump can only cry wolf so many times ... people have already stopped listening
Apparently, you haven't stopped listening. Barely a day goes by that you don't post one of his tweets.
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