Thread: kavanaugh
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Old 09-25-2018, 03:13 PM   #37
Pete F.
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
i keep hearing that in MD there is no statute of limitations on this accusation?

the maryland police posted something, they didn’t say the statute was up, they said something to the effect that if she asked, they’d investigate.

you’re right that politics isn’t pretty or nice. but it doesn’t need to be this ugly, this regularly. i know this because i’m old enough to remember when it wasn’t.

you did say to put in the woman. trump will not yank him, nor should he, with just an accusation. if that’s enough, who will ever get confirmed again? an accusation is not evidence, not even close.
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You're correct there is no statute of limitation on that and that means they don't have to do it today or tomorrow. They might be being nice about it and giving him a chance to bow out, rather than put either one of them thru a trial. None of us can do more than guess.
"Investigators in Montgomery County have apparently spoken with either a woman or her attorney about allegations of sexual assault against Kavanaugh that date back to his senior year of high school.
Investigators have apparently spoken to multiple witnesses about the allegations.
A formal complaint has not been filed.
“Without a complaint, they cannot conduct a further investigation,” said Karem. “That’s the fulcrum.”
In Maryland, there is no statute of limitations for rape and attempted rape.
The county police and the Montgomery County prosecuting attorney’s office have said they would conduct an investigation into the case, if a complaint is filed."

It's always been this ugly, you just never saw it.
I've known some old politicians and had that discussion.
It was done in backrooms, out of sight and the newscycle was a week, not minutes. Nobody had email, they talked and left no trace.

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