Thread: kavanaugh
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Old 09-25-2018, 10:48 AM   #4
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
That's the messy thing about sexual assault, women don't feel they'll be believed so they don't speak up, there often isn't much evidence etc...and times are a lot different now then they were back then.

This is really turning into a lose lose for Trump. Either a few senators get spooked and the nomination doesn't pass or they "plow on ahead" and have to the bear the consequences of steamrolling a woman making a very serious allegation.

This entire nomination was doomed from the start.
That's also the thing about the constitution and our principles of justice, they apply to everyone, even those accused of sexual assault. I agree that standards of proof make it harder for sexual assault victims to get justice because of the pressure to keep quite. The solution isn't to lower the bar on when we decide someone is guilty, the solution is to encourage them to come forward immediately.

"This is really turning into a lose lose for Trump"

So was everything else that was supposed to doom him. It's not a lose if it fires up the conservative base more than it fires up the liberal base, especially in the swing states. That's the potential downside. We will soon know.

"bear the consequences of steamrolling a woman making a very serious allegation"

The other possibility, is that voters see this for what it was, political exploitation by parasites on the left, at the expense of w woman making a serious accusation.

I would like to see ten FBI agents look into it for a week. If they turn up supporting evidence, I don't want him there. If they turn up zilch as the 6 background checks have done, have the vote and let the snowflakes throw their tantrum. If they turn up evidence and he gets forced out, still time to get someone else in there.

You're right, anything short of a full FBI investigation, and the left will say that the GOP wasn't interested in learning the truth. Not that they'd abide by the results of such an investigation if they didn't like the outcome, ask Anita Hill, wait you can't, she's on NBC telling them what it's like to be a victim, even though the FBI found zero evidence of that.
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