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Old 07-19-2018, 08:11 AM   #194
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
Good, if she is guilty I hope she is found guilty.

In 50 years the future Anderson Cooper will be claiming her innocence like good 'ole EthelR

I bet there are close to a thousand Chinese spies in the US. Stealing everything not nailed down, influencing politicians, corrupting others.

This is what adversary governments do

She asked Donald Trump a question about Russian sanctions at a public event, met Donald Trump Jr. with Torshin at an NRA dinner, and reportedly bragged that she helped the Trump campaign communicate with Russia.

FreedomFest conference in Las Vegas in July 2015. Trump, in fact, called on her to ask a question. (chance? or staged ?)

Trump answered by talking about how “the whole world hates us” under Obama, and then said, “I know Putin, and I’ll tell you what, we get along with Putin.” He continued: “I don’t think you’d need the sanctions. I think that we would get along very, very well. I really believe that.”

Following Donald Trump's election in 2016, she and Torshin discussed their predictions for secretary of state, and whether that was good for "our people," ( casual talk between friends? the GOP has knitted a sweater over 2 FBI agents text messages ) who was Romney who got selected Tillerson whom Trump never met but who was given the medal of friendship by who else but Putin

This is what adversary governments do.. nice false equivalence.. you know as well as anyone else this is not just your run of the mill corporate espionage case not even close
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