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Old 07-06-2018, 11:02 AM   #18
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
There are several dedicated financial networks that cover the economy. I see mainstream outlets update on the numbers good or bad all the time.

I've seen plenty of reporting about Obama era policy, mostly to draw the differences. The debacle we're seeing today is absolutely a Trump invention and it's only getting worse.
"I see mainstream outlets update on the numbers good or bad all the time."

So if a CNN host is comparing Trump to Hitler (except more of a racist and a sexist), then as long as there is a ticker going across the bottom of the screen, that's balanced. Got it.

"it's only getting worse"

For your side, I agree. Prepare yourself for the likelihood Monday, that when he announces his SCOTUS nominee, it won't be Merrick Garland or Harry Belafante or Pol Pot, or anyone else you'd have on your list.
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