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Old 06-16-2018, 05:46 AM   #141
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
For about the millionth time, because he didn't make the soup, he's just ladling it out. Look at the Dow and the other indexes and the unemployment rate and show me a Trump Jump. I don't see it.
I think you have all the cards that are left, if you check carefully you might find that they are Jokers and the Queen of Hearts.
"he didn't make the soup, he's just ladling it out"

OK. So the fact that his background is in business and not community activism, that didn't instill a confidence in business that wasn't there before? Confidence has a big impact on the economy.

All the regulations he did away with, that didn't unleash any more potential of the markets?

The GOP tax cuts, which cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%, instantly making every company more profitable and more valuable, that had zero effect? And the overseas cash that's coming back, that does nothing? Apple alone is paying a one-time tax of $38 billion to the feds, to bring back $250 billion in cash. That's $38 billion the feds have to help people, which they didn't have before.

The GOP tax cuts on individuals, which will obviously increase consumer spending, that had zero effect?

"show me a Trump Jump. I don't see it."

The slope of the line doesn't need to change. What matters, is that the Dow and unemployment are both continuing to head in favorable directions.

You refuse to concede that which doesn't serve your agenda. When my beliefs cannot stand up to irrefutable facts and common sense, that's the day I'll change my beliefs.

Obama helped the economy (see? I can say that even though I despise the man, and my head didn't explode). Trump is doing things to continue to help the economy.
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