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Old 06-14-2018, 10:31 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
I'll clarify: the media crucified Romney, remember binders full of competent women he would have in his administration if elected? Romeny was far from a perfect candidate but he was arguably the best person to run in the past decade.
Compared to the negative coverage of Obama? Hell, one story after another around repubs trying to slam his record.

Yet only recently, when politically inexpedient, did the media start to turn on Bill Clinton, who all along could have been could be a poster child for what to watch out for in the MeToo movement.
It's only more recently because we just had the metoo movement. The media hasn't changed...society has.

It is always MOST of the media walking lockstep with the left, so yes. For all practical purposes I would even like to Fox not be the Trumpswabber that they are but for all to present a more balanced, factual news system, but they don't.
"Most" of the media doesn't walk lockstep with the left. Right leaning media dominates local markets, radio and a good portion of the very popular bottom feeders online.

FoxNews is just RT these days, was never fair and balanced but 15 years ago it was quite a different network.

Classic liberal? Nahh, very few of those left. The politics of the Dem party have skewed progressive, and are skewing more so and IMO at a higher rate of the Reps going right - as was the claims for years.
I mean a serious progressive. There really aren't that many people who self describe as liberal. One thing you're seeing is traditionally progressive issues like LGBT rights, affordable healthcare etc...have become more mainstream as demographics shift.

All the people that frankly pull the master lever, unwilling to compromise or discuss openly. All the people that said if Trump gets elected we're gonna die (yes, there is time still), net neutrality weregonnadie, tax reductions weregonnadie. Those only now shouting about the National Debt and annual deficits, weregonnadie
Calling out terrible policy isn't announcing impending doom. As for unwillingness to compromise or discuss openly, look at how much worse things are in just the past 12 months.

I'm concerned this country is looking more Orwellian, where if you do not toe the party line you will be the subject of a SJW 20 years of hate. That Western Democracy and Civilization is going to be sacrificed at the alter of the collective. The constant redefinition of words and meanings, of what is acceptable and not acceptable, to suit one side.

I am concerned that the open narrative of the left is to persecute the NRA and law abiding 2A supporting terrorists.
Actually most people just want reasonable gun laws.

I am concerned that the open narrative of the left is to persecute the 1A and freedom of speech, even if it is vile.

I am concerned that the fundamental changes afoot (ahem, required) with the hard left that oppose merit, law, and decency.
The problem I see is so much of what you ascribe to the left is now being actively undermined by Trump and the GOP. The Press is now the #1 enemy of the State, nepotism and abuse are the new normal, the FBI is controlled by the deep state and childish insults are a primary mode of communication.
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