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Old 06-13-2018, 03:37 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
I am concerned the Right has created laws and policys to insulate and promote the sale of guns and their makers refuse to acknowledge their negative impact on society via the NRA . hiding behind the 2a
The supporters of the 2A rarely create ANY laws, for the significant part they resist laws applied to them. The ones they do want, reciprocity and things to reduce impact on hearing are obliterated by the left. Here is a novel idea, enforce existing laws equally and see if the has an impact - rather than taking away constitutional rights.

Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
The right has again uses the 1A as an excuse to step on civility lie openly use political correctness as a rallying cry and aagin refuse all responsibility for the message
No. The First Amendment protects your right and my right to say something, even if distasteful. You won't go to jail for what you say. But without the 1A, what if some bureaucrat decided it was their duty to regulate YOUR speech and YOUR freedom of expression. If you allow exceptions (or demand them) then you are censoring and it is a fast and slippery slope to some committee or Speech Kommisar deciding what you are allowed to say and to not say. And to be penalized for it. I hate Hate Speech. But if you allow some people to decide what is acceptable speach and what is not - you've lost your freedom.

Turn the tables, what if some Trump apparatchik decreed that you could not go to your Town Hall and voice something important to you (pick any subject)??

Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Merit of law and decency again the right has gone to war with both those ideas the current administration attacks both daily their party remains silent in response to theses actions ... yet went after Benghazi with out regard to Facts ignores the death of those killed in Niger attack or the Russian investigation as nothing burgers
Benghazi - that was an eff up of major proportion - I am not convinced it was unlawful.

Niger? Tongo Tongo? Yes - bad intel / planning / luck screwed up a mission which got soldiers killed. Where are you going with facts and mortality on this one? Green Berets helping indigenous forces fight wars on their soil, limiting American presence. Like Job#1 for Green Berets.

Russia Investigation is falling mostly along partisan lines. Sure wish it would come up with something definitive soon. Ain't seeing it yet. And you might be new here but I have been pretty skeptical of Trump being without guilt here.

Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
If people think Trump is going to Save this country from its self good luck with that

No, he is a symptom of where we have been going.

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